- Blonde Hair: Embrace the Creamy White Blonde Color
This color is both trendy and elegant, perfect for the urban woman. Remember to use a violet shampoo to color silver-white strands silver ash or frosty blonde. It also prevents the strands from becoming brassy or yellowish.
Choose a semi-permanent dye to color your hair silver ash or frosty blonde. This type of coloring product does not contain ammonia and is far less damaging to your hair than permanent coloring.
- Try highlights and lowlights for black hair.
Transitioning from black to gray hair is especially difficult because the stark contrast makes silver hair stand out. Get a highlighting or lightening treatment every six to twelve weeks. This helps to hide new hair growth and allows you to gradually and smoothly transition to a full gray hair style.
The key in the transition is patience. Taking the plunge without the advice of your hairdresser (or this post) may put you further away from your ideal natural hair style. It can take anywhere from six months to a year for full gray hair to grow out.
- Regular trimming
Since hair grows about a centimeter or so per month, you can soften your hairline by trimming the ends regularly, in addition to picking out the color or lightening it. Crop off the colored sections regularly until they are all trimmed. Removing split ends is a great way to keep your hair healthy and shiny.
- Use purple shampoo
If you haven’t read our article about top-quality purple shampoos, you should understand that brassy colors in silver hair don’t look elegant enough. A quality color-complementing shampoo will utilize purple pigments to neutralize the yellow tones. A good color toning shampoo will add shine and luxury to your hair.
- Let your hair grow out naturally
Sometimes it’s best not to resort to one of a kind poisons. Stop coloring your hair and wait patiently for it to grow naturally.
You can’t remove hair color at home by yourself without professional assistance. The process isn’t as simple as just applying blonde boxed hair dye, either. If possible, allow your hair enough time to recover from the coloring.
- Consult your hairdresser about soap cap application/color fading methods
If a natural look is on the agenda for the day, then ask the salon about using a color fading agent or soap cap application. This is a step in removing hair color, but please note that this is still a chemical treatment. While less damaging than direct bleaching, it still contains bleach and peroxide.
Color fading treatments can be damaging to the hair, so if you already have poor hair quality, please refer to our previous advice.
- Color Pick Technique
Use a low-light picking technique to cover up those overgrown roots and create a subtle color transition for your blonde hair. Choose a mid-tone that blends your natural color with the stained shade. In the end, your hair will display three layers of color, enriching your hairstyle and texture.
Choose a shade close to your natural hair color and create a color transition in the middle to create a balayage pattern. If you still miss your original hair color and want to maintain dimension and style, choose a color one to two shades lighter than your original color.
- Shampoo less frequently
Your scalp naturally produces oils that replenish moisture and nourish your strands. Even if you use moisturizing shampoo products on a daily basis, frequent shampooing may cause your hair to lose moisture. If you find that your hair is greasy, it may be that over-washing has caused an increase in oil production in an attempt to compensate for the dryness of your hair.
On days when you don’t need to wash thoroughly, you can opt to use a dry shampoo spray instead of water. Luckily, we have an article here dedicated to the best dry cleaning spray products on the market!